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So the Highway's Agency has decided to commence with work on widening the M1 to 'ease' traffic congestion. The No Widening M1 Alliance has stacks of evidence to say its not a good idea and the HA's own report says in the long run the widening of the M1 will only cause more traffic.
So everyone is right! Right? If two wrongs don't make a right, surely two rights must make a right?

A spokes person for the business transport alliance said on camera that businesses need the M1 widening to ensure the travel routes used by delivery trucks are "effect". That thousands of jobs are at stake if this infrastructure was not updated (not using his own words of course). And there are traffic management measure (like toll charges which the transport alliance support) that can be used to control the amount of traffic ensuring that in 2021 the problem does not reoccur (and the needle runs horiztonally across the vinyl make that comic sratching noise)...

Did the penny just drop? Why not introduce those measures now? I must have missed the point after the spoke person made that comment. Come on now, Tony Blair is all for the environment surely traffic management is the way to go... or will it prove too unpopular?

I wonder what the Environment Agency's take on this issue is? Think I'll go check their website. :)


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