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Metro 24/10/06 someone wrote into questioning the need for religon. Saying that it would be an insult to unbelievers to even suggest that it is not possible to be a decent human being without religion.

Well, I don't know the stats of believer's to non-believers stand at but here are two points;

1. You had to be a believer at some point to become a non-believer (both directly or indirectly)
2. If you did not have religon as a guide then how would you know how to be a decent human being?

Lets take the first point. I'll throw in words like community and peer pressure. You (in general terms) live in a land where I think the believer's out number the non-believer's. Non-believer would be directly and indirectly influenced by the believer's. As a non-believer you will want to fit in and any other behaviour outside that of the larger community would be unacceptable and you would bow to the peer pressure to conform.
May be you started out as believer but choose to copout of religon. You are still influenced by the values of religon. If you grew up in a non-believeing family, well you are still direcly influenced by the believer's around you, because they will be in schools i.e. teachers, other students, RE classes, etc.

The second point leads on from the first.religon defines how we should act towards each other and provides a highlevel holistic approach to life. It clearly defines human behaviour.

Religon is not the problem. Greed and ignorance is. Religon is just a tool that politics uses to hide its true agenda. Guess what? The perils of greed is also covered in religious text.


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