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Showing posts from October, 2006
So the Highway's Agency has decided to commence with work on widening the M1 to 'ease' traffic congestion. The No Widening M1 Alliance has stacks of evidence to say its not a good idea and the HA's own report says in the long run the widening of the M1 will only cause more traffic. So everyone is right! Right? If two wrongs don't make a right, surely two rights must make a right? A spokes person for the business transport alliance said on camera that businesses need the M1 widening to ensure the travel routes used by delivery trucks are "effect". That thousands of jobs are at stake if this infrastructure was not updated (not using his own words of course). And there are traffic management measure (like toll charges which the transport alliance support) that can be used to control the amount of traffic ensuring that in 2021 the problem does not reoccur (and the needle runs horiztonally across the vinyl make that comic sratching noise)... Did the penny just
I read in The Press (Mirfield, Dewsbury, Huddersfield, Heckmonwike) that a 13 year old female had some 'abusive and sexually explicit remarks' made about her on a website hosted in the USA. If it were my daughter, I too would be sad and angry. When I first scanned the artical my initial thoughts were of the young lady in question. How must she feel? How did things get this far? After that other questions started to filter into my mind. 1. Exactly how many people came across this website? 2. Was it a smart move to go to press with this story? 3. Do I really care? is a website aimed at kids. You have to sign up (which is free) and then you can create your own webpage with many bells and whistles. To answer question 1, you have to be a member to get in. Okay I know of a back door in, and had a look at the forums, but you still have to sign up to reply. There is very little intelligent life on forums. Skipping question 2, what wasn't known is now out in the
Metro 24/10/06 someone wrote into questioning the need for religon. Saying that it would be an insult to unbelievers to even suggest that it is not possible to be a decent human being without religion. Well, I don't know the stats of believer's to non-believers stand at but here are two points; 1. You had to be a believer at some point to become a non-believer (both directly or indirectly) 2. If you did not have religon as a guide then how would you know how to be a decent human being? Lets take the first point. I'll throw in words like community and peer pressure. You (in general terms) live in a land where I think the believer's out number the non-believer's. Non-believer would be directly and indirectly influenced by the believer's. As a non-believer you will want to fit in and any other behaviour outside that of the larger community would be unacceptable and you would bow to the peer pressure to conform. May be you started out as believer but choose to copou
Metro 16 Oct covered a story about more students being hounded by the banks. For all future uni students here is a little trick. Sign up for a telephone number that pays you everytime someone calls you. Give this number to banks, utility companies, websites, etc and watch the cash roll in.
Well now this is going too far. The Metro reports that radical muslims are accusing Apple Inc (maker of Apple MacIntosh computers and iPods) of mocking Islam. The latest Apple shop, they believe, has a likeness to the Kaaba structure inside Islam's most sacred mosque in Mecca. If thats the case why haven't they complained about the rubik's cube, Apple cube iMac and all things made in a cube shape? Tell you what guys, why don't you patient the Kaaba design and whoever you think has infringed of the design you can take them to court. You jokers should do a Google search for cube buildings, then get a life or join the real world.
Now come on people get a grip! Why are you, and you know who you are, terrorising bollard cleaners for earning a wage. So what if its more than you earn? If you want to earn that much then why not join them? If you think that the wages for street sweepers, line painters and bollard cleaners are too high then take it up with their employers and let the workers get on with their job. Here is a question for you. Why don't you go hurling abuse at those train, gas, water and over paid fat cats for collecting bonuses just for turning up and delivering poor services? The answer... you're rare end would be hauled into jail so fast your necks would take years to catch up. Stop picking on the weak or pick on everyone.