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Showing posts from July, 2010

Pot and kettle, how does that saying go...

Anger at doomed Yorkshire quango dinner bill - Yorkshire Evening Post Matthew Elliott, chief executive of the Taxpayers' Alliance said: "It is unbelievable that Yorkshire Forward has spent tens of thousands of pounds on this awards ceremony, when it – alongside other Regional Development Agencies – is set to be scrapped." From what I've been told the CBF was an annual event. Has, bandwagon jumper, Matthew Elliott, tutted and wagged his finger every year about this event? I'm still Googling for the answer. I think the highlighted, identifies what Mr Elliott is all about... "chief executive Matthew Elliott was presented with the Conservative Way Forward ‘One of Us’ award by shadow foreign secretary William Hauge. However, the TPA is not all squeaky clean. Is it Mr Elliott? The most scandalous of these being his own admission that one of the TPA's directors Alexander Heath had not paid any British taxes for several years. Oooh I say! I await to see how man