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Showing posts from 2009

Government pledges better East Coast train services - Telegraph

Government pledges better East Coast train services - Telegraph I would welcome better services on this line. However is National Express paying for the advertising on the side of the trains? If not, how long will it take to have the branding removed? Well lets see... first a working group must be established to identify the real stakeholders...

Cure Or Prevention

BBC NEWS | Health | GPs flu pandemic workload warning Any chance this could have been avoided if people were aware of alternative methods of keeping healthy? I await the latest figures highlighting how much this flue pandemic has cost GB in sick leave. I am also looking forward to the heart warming stories of those selfish enough to come into work with a fever, coughing and sneezing, with packets of lemsip or paracetamol and tissues camping out on their desk, to only have to head back home after successfully infecting their co-workers. If you want to survive the onslaught of flu then how about some preventative action? Eat better, get enough sleep and look into boosting your immune system. How? Before I continue, you must ALWAYS consult with your doctor before doing what I am about to suggest. Over the years I too use to fall prey to the winter flu and suffered with hay fever. I have successfully avoid the worst of the flu and colds over last 3 years. In fact this year I only had a soa...