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Showing posts from 2008
BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Georgia attack is 'Russia's 9/11' Why don't you just admit you were wrong. You back the rebels they were losing and to save face you invaded. There is no comparison between your attack on a democratic state and terrorist slamming planes into the twin towers. If anything this is Georgia's 9/11. --- Google Translate --- Почему бы вам не просто признать, вы были неправы. Вы обратно повстанцев они теряют и сохранить лицо вы захватили. Существует не сравнение между вашей нападение на демократическое государство и террористических slamming самолеты в Твин Тауэрс. Если уж на то пошло это Грузии 9 / 11.

And the point is?

BBC NEWS | Business | Illegal downloaders 'face UK ban' What a ridiculous idea. How exactly are they suppose to do this? Hire more staff? That is going to up the cost of broadband and how exactly are they going to spot out of millions of connections who is downloading music and films. Software tool? Can always be worked around. Large file download, break it down to small sizes or use bittorrant. How is it going to detect a Linux OS download? How will it get into a peer to peer connection? Will the RIP Act be re-written for ISP to snoop? Powered by ScribeFire .