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Showing posts from October, 2007

Huge fine for US music downloader

Firstly the headline is incorrect. It should read "Huge fine for US illegal music online distributor". As far as I am aware it is legal to provide music or iTunes and all the other would not exist. The music industry are trying to stop people who illegally distribute artist's copyrighted material via the internet. However my blog today is not the legal aspect but a reminder to all those non-techie people out there that whatever software you are using to download music from e.g. Kazaa just ensure that it is not using your My Documents folder to upload music and ensure you exit the software when you are finished or ensure that it is not set-up to allow access to your Music folder under the My Documents folder or any other folder you purchase music for downloading from... I would like to close by saying that I do not condone the sharing of copyright material. BBC NEWS | Technology | Huge fine for US music downloader Powered by ScribeFire .
BBC NEWS | Technology | New Zunes to take on Apple's iPod In general I think WiFi should not be extolled or installed on battery powered devices! I've watch several PDAs and an XDA Orbit's battery meter go from 100% to 65%, within 10 minutes of WiFi being turned on and used. It is dangerous to have WiFi available on mobile phones for this reason alone. The regular user may sit there scanning for a hotspot totally unaware of the power being quickly drained from the device. What use is a mobile phone or PDA if it has no power, just to have the latest U-Tube clip or MP3 file. Think about it. Once you have the media how long will you be able to view/listen to it for? The same goes for iPod and Zunes (what a ridiculous name!). Firstly if you can find a hotspot to connect too you may be using it illegally. Secondly there is the battery power drain. Thirdly, how many people actually walk with the power adaptor, when you are just out and about? All in one devices have never been a ...

At-risk Post Office Outlets Named

A rather interesting point in this report comes from a government statistic which says " The government said four million fewer people were using post offices each week than two years ago.." and that a " Six-week public consultations will be held in all affected areas before the final decisions are made". Would it not be wiser to hold a six-week public consultation to find out why four million fewer people use the service and how the Post Office can improve services to encourage these people to use their service? BBC NEWS | UK | At-risk Post Office outlets named Powered by ScribeFire .