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Showing posts from September, 2006
Spare a thought for Caydee-Lee who was mauled to death by two Rottweilers guard dogs. As a parent of two kids, my heart goes out to the family. You cannot blame the dogs. With their track record of child related attacks well publicised and document, you have question the wisdom of leaving a toddler in the care of such beast. If that thugs and criminals cannot be control and it requires people to breed and keep such animals to provide (such a false sense of) safety anywhere, who do you blame for this tragic death?
The twins joined at the torso have been released from hospital! Something great to write about for once. I would like to wish them the best of health and life. I pray that Maliyah's kidney transplant is a success. Isn't the pace of medical advances amazing
Necrophilia, yes this is the story of three young men in Wisconsin who attempted to dig up a grave so one of them could shag a corpse. Twisted, stupid, sad or all three? What sort of losers would do such a thing? Surely there are many other beautiful women in Wisconsin. Then again looking at their ugly mugs thats probably the only way the could get sex (if you can call it that). On the bright side at least the had some sense to get some condoms on the way. I feel sorry for the family of the poor lass though my thoughts are with you...
So Hugo Chavez thinks GW Bush is the devil.Well with the attempted coup that the CIA bungled, because Chavez refused to fall in line (see: this is a lesson in how to increase your popularity at the expense of you boss...ahhem, cough, cough... fellow leader. Don't get me wrong Chavez has done great work in Bolivia and with Cuba but hitting someone when they are down (even if they are the bad guy) is a cheap trick (though the bad guys do it).
In Metro 12/09/06 there was a reply to the previous day's headline concerning high street shops closing because more people are shopping on the internet. The author quite rightly stated facts about shopping in stores that I agree with. Examples having to go through crowded shops, 15 minute wait to pay for items, commission based sales people trying poor performing stock. Of course state the obvious, and the best thing about internet shopping, you don't have to cross the street, take public transport, drive or walk to get your favourite shops. Heck you can bring up all your usual haunts in brower tabs (nice and tidy for FireFox users) and compare prices. The question that has to be asked is, what exactly are high street shops doing to remove these problems? Is there anything they can do? I for one believe that high street shops should be banished from cities. Move them to big retail parks built on brown field land with good rail and bus links. All the empty shops should then be